Lots for Sale
Garry Station
Smart, serene living in Lethbridge
The community will include the Aquitania Boulevard which will loop through the community and provide direct access to schools, a library, and many more amenities. It’s just a short drive to anywhere in Lethbridge. Whatever you need or wherever you need to go – Garry Station is a great place to start.
View Phase Map
Plan # | Block | Lot | Price | Expires | |
Plan: 1812260 | Block: 8 | Lot: 18 | Price: 92,900.00 | Expires: | Purchase Lot |
Plan: 1812260 | Block: 8 | Lot: 18 | Price: 92,900.00 | Expires: | Purchase Lot |
Plan: 1812260 | Block: 8 | Lot: 18 | Price: 92,900.00 | Expires: | Purchase Lot |
View Phase Map
Plan # | Block | Lot | Price | Expires | |
Plan: 1811293 | Block: 6 | Lot: 18 | Price: 111,900.00 | Expires: | Purchase Lot |
Plan: 1811293 | Block: 6 | Lot: 23 | Price: 102,900.00 | Expires: | Purchase Lot |
Plan: 1811293 | Block: 6 | Lot: 18 | Price: 111,900.00 | Expires: | Purchase Lot |
Plan: 1811293 | Block: 6 | Lot: 23 | Price: 102,900.00 | Expires: | Purchase Lot |
Plan: 1811293 | Block: 6 | Lot: 18 | Price: 111,900.00 | Expires: | Purchase Lot |
Plan: 1811293 | Block: 6 | Lot: 23 | Price: 102,900.00 | Expires: | Purchase Lot |